Welcome to NET4GAS

We are the gas transmission system operator in the Czech Republic, ensuring economically efficient, safe and reliable transmission services for our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through our network of almost 4,000 km of pipelines, we transport tens of billions cubic meters of natural gas per year. As a Central European gas transmission system operator, we play an active role in connecting and integrating European energy markets to the benefit of Czech and other European customers. At the same time, we participate in shaping the European energy market in the context of the transition to a low carbon economy.

News for shippers

Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2025-2034 draft (launch of public consultation)

08.07.2024 NET4GAS publishes the Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2025-2034 draft for public consultation. The deadline for sending comments is 9.8.2024. Registration for the online workshop is until 21.7.2024 and for the physical workshop until 9.8.2024. >>


20.06.2024 NET4GAS publishes a new issue of the commercial newsletter, providing shippers with news about its products and services. >>

NEWS4SHIPPERS January 2024

29.01.2024 NET4GAS publishes a new issue of the commercial newsletter, providing shippers with news about its products and services. >>

Consultation on the draft request for exemption from the obligation to enable bi-directional capacity at the Cieszyn interconnection point

24.10.2023 Pursuant to the provision under paragraph 2 of Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council, NET4GAS and GAZ-SYSTEM are today launching a consultation with the potentially concerned transmission system operators. >>

Decision of the Energy Regulatory Office regarding Article 14 of Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2576

21.03.2023 The Energy Regulatory Office has issued the decision in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 (7) (c) of Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2576. >>

Public consultation on the amendment to the Transmission System Operator’s Network Code

19.01.2023 The Energy Regulatory Office has launched a public consultation on the amendment to the Transmission System Operator’s Network Code that focuses on Annex No. 2: Gas Quality Parameters. Comments may be submitted up to 1 February 2023. >>

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